West Hartford CT Guns & Ammo Store + Shooting Range

The Tactical Boutique

West Hartford CT Guns & Ammo Store + Shooting Range

The Colt Python is what most other wheel guns are compared to when people talk about .357 Magnum revolvers.  It’s no wonder.  The gun is a beautifully sleek, handcrafted, definition of what a gun should be.  You can’t think of a Colt Python without having images of toughness and grit enter your mind.  This is a difficult gun to get (for us), and we rarely have them in the shop.  I have been trying to snag one (or something similar) for a while now with the hopes of doing a really fun raffle to start the new year.  So… here it is!

The winner will start his or her year off with a Colt Python chambered in .357 Magnum.  I want to make your decision harder as to whether or not you are going to make this a “safe queen” … or shoot it… so that you can feel just how nicely these are made… by hand… right across the street.  As such, you receive 1000 rounds of .38 special ammunition.  (.38 special ammo has also been hard to find, but it’s coming back, now. And, it just feels right to give 1000 rounds up for something of this “caliber.”)  You’ll also get a pair of speed strips to help you load all that ammo.  We’ve included a nice necklace from Behold Jewelry and Designs for some added bling.  And, as soon as your friends find out you won a Colt Python, it will need to be under lock-and-key, so we are including a One Gun Keypad Vault.

With a total package value of over $2700, we are offering ONLY 68 tickets at $40 each.  We will run the raffle live on social media on Wednesday, January 11th, at 3pm.  (Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see the live video… which will go on Facebook.) We look forward to presenting our winner with these items!

You can buy more than one ticket, if desired.

Please remember to click on the “local pick-up” option when you checkout, so that there are not any shipping charges. For whatever reason, we usually have a few people who miss this.  If you do hit the shipping button, just call me, and we’ll refund the shipping.  If you are out of state, and you win, we’ll cover the shipping, but we won’t ship any ammo- we’ll put an equal-value alternative in the box for you.  If you are a supporter of our small shop, then you are local enough for us with these raffles, so no shipping charges!

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West Hartford CT Gun Store & Shooting Range, Firearms, Pistols, Rifles
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